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arivaci & co.

Real estate law for the modern world

Arivaci & Co. is a legal office in Brooknew specializing in real estate law. With decades of experience and a personalized approach, our attorneys will help you with all aspects of your real estate deal.

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Our attorneys

Chun Hei Kim

Managing Partner

Pedro Fernandes

Senior Partner

Aiyla Hakim

Senior Partner

Daichi Hamada


The Arivaci & Co. advantage

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years of experience

What's special about your services or offerings? Give your audience a reason to choose you over your competitors. Cite it above, then flesh it out here.

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recognized for our expertise

What's special about your services or offerings? Give your audience a reason to choose you over your competitors. Cite it above, then flesh it out here.

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from start to finish

What's special about your services or offerings? Give your audience a reason to choose you over your competitors. Cite it above, then flesh it out here.

Our Services

Write a paragraph that talks about your construction company here. Convince your prospective clients to choose you and your team for their construction needs by talking about your unique services, as well as your commitment to getting the job done.

Photo of Building Exterior

Residential Spaces

Modern Glass Buildings



Brown Concrete Building


& Upgrades

What Our Clients Say About Us

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Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from others who've tried it is invaluable.

- Chi Banh

Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from others who've tried it is invaluable.

- Sharlene Rose

Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from others who've tried it is invaluable.

- Lorna Alvarado

Concrete Pillars Supporting a Building

Tully and Drive

Your business needs expert legal advice.

We're a Venston Bay-based law firm that's always available to answer your questions, review contracts, and help you with anything on your mind.

get in touch

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Vandemar Construction

Clear Glass Building


123 Anywhere St.

Any City, ST 12345

Tel. (123) 456-7890

Email: hello@reallygreatsite.com

Office Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Weekends by appointment

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